The word of the month is... | May Newsletter

Baby Smells! Unlike eyesight, which takes a few years to develop, smell is the most advanced sense babies have at birth. One study found fetuses have a sense of smell, even before birth. They can detect mom's breast milk from another mom's milk...and a recent Swiss study found a familiar odor can soothe an infant, so wrap that fussy baby in a blanket that smells of breast milk or baby lotion during their next vaccination. One more thing -- for the first two months, babies prefer mom's scent -- even after gym -- than any other's.

Word of the Month: Mephitic (muh-fit-ik) offensive to smell; a much more diplomatic way of saying "smelly." Example: Please remove your mephitic feet from the coffee table.

The Case of the Cruddy Booster Seat: According to the Governor's Highway Safety Association (GHSA), the only states lacking booster seat laws are Florida and South Dakota. So how do you clean and deodorize a cruddy booster seat? Immerse it in a sink half-filled with water. Add 1/3 cup of Odor Universe odor neutralizer. Let soak one hour. Rinse well and allow to air dry. Thoroughly soak a wash cloth while the booster is soaking (same water) and use it to un-gunk seatbelts. (PS: Smart moms carry a one-ounce bottle of odor neutralizer in diaper bags or keep a 4-ounce bottle in the car for those unexpected accidents and a 32-oz bottle in every bathroom.)

Why Does My Precious Grandchild's Feet Stink? The human foot contains around 250,000 sweat glands producing up to one cup of perspiration per day. Human sweat has no odor, but mix in the normal amount of bacteria on the skin plus chemicals generated when sweat dampens a sock or the materials in the insole of a shoe and you'll get odors described as vinegar, ammonia, cheese -- or worse -- smells. To rid shoes and socks of odor, spray Odor Universe neutralizing spray each night in shoes to be worn the next day. Add one-half cup of this same product to every wash (socks and washable shoes). 

Questions & Answers: Every week we get calls (816-718-9136), emails ( and letters (8500 NW Riverpark Dr. Unit #134, Parkville MO 64152) wanting to know more about our Odor Universe products. Here are some recent ones: 

Q: What makes Odor Universe different from other odor control products?
A: Odor Universe is an industrial-strength neutralizer. While many other odor counteractants mask or deodorize problems, Odor Universe neutralizes odors.

Q: Does Odor Universe work immediately?
A: Yes. You should see immediate results after an area is treated. Remember that our products are concentrated, so a little product goes a long way.

Q: Can I use Odor Universe on all types of odors?
A: You can use Odor Universe on all types of odors. Our products will only truly neutralize odors that are organic. (i.e. smoke, pet urine, bodily fluids, cooking odors.)

May's Tip of the Month: As we move into the prime wedding months of the year, why not help the new couple set up housekeeping with a decorative basket filled with Odor Universe products. Our hotel starter pack is perfect. Then add a card saying, "The contents of this basket promises you "a sweet life" together.