The magical powers of the aloe plant | August Newsletter
/Odor Universe, the world's most powerful odor neutralizer makes it easy for users to live in an odor-free world...and, if you think about it, there are plenty of stinkers out there. So, settle back, relax and take a deep breath of Odor Universe's world for August.
With school just around the corner, it's time to re-enter your non-vacation mindset, take a look (and a sniff) around and begin thinking about the coming months. Is there a vehicle in your garage that's beginning to smell stale? Did the carpet cleaning professionals take care of everything but that strange odor in the dining room? For any and all odor-related problem. try Odor Universe spray or any of the fine Odor Universe family of products to clean -- yes, it foams clean and neutralizes any problem.
Say 'Hello' to Aloe. A good addition to any building's decor is the aloe vera plant, not only for it's beautiful green color but also because it improves the area's air quality. Aloe is an easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent that helps clear formaldehyde and benzene, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners...and beyond its air-clearing abilities, the gel inside an aloe plant can help heal cuts and burns.
People have been using aloe vera for more than 6,000 years when it was known as "the plant of immortality" in early Egypt, according to the National Institutes of Health. It was used for skin conditions and to heal wounds, as well as used as a laxative. Today, although the science is lacking, aloe vera is typically used topically for sunburns, burns, abrasions and other skin conditions.
Outdoor ashtrays? Still have ashtrays outside your home? Still have visitors who absolutely "must" step out for a smoke? Try adding Odor Universe to regular filler. It keeps odors in check.
One more win with Odor Universe!! The other day a doting grandmotherly friend gave her six-year-old grandson, visiting for the summer, a cup of mulberry-cranberry pure fruit juice. Then, somehow, a spill occurred, not just a little spill, but a splash of very dark purple juice...and that red stain, as pro carpet cleaners will warn you, is virtually impossible to remove. My frantic friend called me, knowing I use Odor Universe products in my home. I rushed over right away.
The spill on my friend's soft beige carpet? I made no promises because I remembered tracking mulberry juice from berries dropping from my grandmother's huge mulberry trees on her carpets and floors -- also impossible to clean. So, I took a damp cloth, carefully blotted the stain, using a clean cloth about every five blots. Once I had covered the entire splatter, I sprayed Odor Universe liberally over one part of the stain at a time and rubbed with a clean dry cloth until I had worked up a foam. Finally, I took a hand towel and blotted again, removing all the Odor Universe -- and the stain! Yep, you can say without a doubt, Odor Universe not only neutralizes but also cleans while it neutralizes any and all organic odors.
Didya know? There's a good reason butterflies need the ability to smell with their feet. They often lay their eggs on specific host plants, and they need a way to make sure they've landed on the right plant. This is where those senses on the feet come in handy. Another good example of an animal that can smell through its feet is the octopus. These creatures use suckers on their legs for many of their senses, including smell.
In the late '80s, NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America studied houseplants as a way to purify the air in space facilities. They found several plants that filter out common volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Lucky for us, the plants can also help clean indoor air on Earth, which is typically far more polluted than outdoor air. Other studies have since been published in the Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science.