Spring Cleaning Tips!
/Spring is definitely here, and it's time to break out the patio furniture and throw those winter coats in the closet. We offer a variety of products that will keep your closets odor-free during the simmer, and spruce up your spring furniture in time for holiday parties.
Odor Neutralizing Spray
Spray on furniture, drapes, curtains, and in closets to remove odors. Spray on the source liberally, and odors will dissipate instantly.
Odor Block
With a mountain spring scent, the Odor Block fogger will neutralize odors in larger areas like hallways, basements, and storage units. This product will neutralize odors like smoke, cooking, litter box odors and more.
Magic Carpet
Sprinkle Magic Carpet on area rugs and carpet to absorb any lingering odors in your home or even outdoors.
What are you waiting for? Shop now and kick start your spring cleaning today!